Secrets of Kiyosaki. Investing from Robert Kiyosaki. Basic tips. Two views on life give more choice than one

Every time you thinkthat you can’t handle something, there is someone in the world who believes that HE can handle it/ Robert Kiyosaki

Perhaps you, my dear reader, have never heard of Robert Kiyosaki before. Or perhaps his bestseller “” has firmly established itself on your bookshelf and is re-read by you from time to time. In any case, this article will be of interest to you, as a person who is always ready for learning and development.

So, let's get to know Robert Kiyosaki better. Let us give the right to briefly tell about ourselves to the hero of our article. On his personal page on, Robert Kiyosaki characterizes himself as follows: investor, entrepreneur, financial advisor and author of a series of best-selling books about rich and poor dads.

“If a person calls himself an investor, it means he has enough money to invest,” we draw a logical conclusion. After all, as Uncle Fyodor from Prostokvashino said: “To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary.”

Indeed, Robert Kiyosaki's net worth today exceeds $2 billion and he is a sought-after international financial advisor.

By the age of 47, he became a millionaire, thus accumulating savings that allowed him to do what he loved - teaching people how to think like the rich. But Robert was not Rockefeller’s son from birth.

How was he able to achieve success? This is exactly what we will talk about.

Robert Kiyosaki was born in 1947 on April 7 in the coastal city of Hilo, the main port of the island of Hawaii. His parents were the 4th generation of Japanese immigrants living in the United States. The social status of the family was quite high - a smart boy grew up in a family of teachers. Robert had the opportunity to study at the best local school, where from childhood he interacted with children from wealthy families.

His father, Ralph Kiyosaki, Ph.D., served as Secretary of Education for the State of Hawaii. So why would Robert Kiyosaki later call him “poor dad”? And who is “rich dad”?

When Robert was 9 years old, he met the father of his friend Mike, from whom he began taking lessons in financial education, and, by his own admission, continued to study for the next 30 years. It is him, for his great contribution to his development, that Robert will call “rich dad.”

He recalls the difference in worldviews and approaches to money between these men, who became the main teachers in Kiyosaki’s life:

Mr. Kiyosaki is convinced that we learn the most important lessons from our parents. “What can a poor person tell a child about money? He simply says, “Study hard and work hard.”

It is Robert’s autobiographical story, which serves as the basis for the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” that brings Kiyosaki real popularity. His first book, about two fathers, topped the New York Times bestseller list for 5 years. The demand for such literature turned out to be enormous; the book sold more than 11 million copies.

– Kiyosaki emphasizes the importance of financial education.

This is worth thinking about, because it is your thinking that determines what heights you can achieve in life. And it will probably be difficult to teach children to be successful people if you have not achieved heights in your own life.

Rich Dad generously provided Robert with helpful advice about money. What kind of advice were these? You can learn about this from the book itself, and we will return to Robert’s biography.

After graduating from high school, Robert leaving New York. In this metropolis, Kiyosaki entered the Merchant Navy Academy, and after graduating in 1969, he found work on a merchant ship. After traveling around the world, Kiyosaki unexpectedly decides to enlist in the US Marine Corps. He is not afraid of life’s sharp turns, because he is convinced:

While serving in the US Navy, he ends up in Vietnam, where he establishes himself as a good officer. For his dedication to his country and excellent service as a combat helicopter pilot, Robert Kiyosaki was awarded the United States Air Force Medal.

In 1975 KithOsaka leaves the service and, wanting to learn how to trade, gets a job as an agent at Xerox. After only 2 years, he left hired work and founded his own company selling nylon wallets. These products were a great start to Robert's business career and provided him with some early income.

However, then the business was not so successful, and, according to Kiyosaki himself, at that time he, like other businessmen, made unfortunate mistakes. This will probably prompt him to write a series of books dedicated to financial education and allowing him to “avoid stepping on familiar mistakes.”

Robert agrees that “the world outside the coop seems scary. It’s difficult with work, difficult with money and very bad with opportunities. But I assure you, life outside the coop is vibrant, full of optimism and energy, and there are plenty of opportunities out there. It’s all a matter of where you look - from the chicken coop or outside.”

So, away with the philosophy that prevents you from becoming rich! It is necessary to reconsider some ideas in your head and replace them with more constructive thoughts:

Kiyosaki's work is often criticized. He is accused of belittling the importance of traditional education, such as school or universities. To which Kiyosaki responds as follows:

“Grades matter only in school and institutes. But then your real measure will be how much you earn.”

Among various business coaches, Robert Kiyosaki is one of the most striking examples of a quick rise and an equally quick fall. But after his collapse, Robert Kiyosaki did not give up; he began to do business with even greater persistence and eventually became not just a millionaire, but a multimillionaire. At his next rise, he used not only business, but also investments. Moreover, investing from Robert Kiyosaki is not about simply investing money, but investing money through business.
I think many have read his main books - “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, “Cash Flow Quadrant”, “Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing”. If you haven’t read it, be sure to read these books, as they lay the initial foundation for understanding the work from the inside of business and investment.
For a brief introduction to the works of Robert Kiyosaki, I have selected the main tips from his literature and statements.

  1. Learn financial literacy and investing. Do not rush to invest money without experience, as you will lose it.
  2. Start small. You don't need to invest everything you have into your business or investment. Start with 10% of your capital and as you understand the business or investment, start expanding.
  3. Keep your financial records. Eliminate unnecessary expenses and increase your assets and savings.
  4. Learn to communicate with people and negotiate competently. Learn sales and marketing skills. Even if you are the owner of your own business, the ability to sell should be your main feature.
  5. Look for potential in bad deals. It is in them that the greatest profit is made.
  6. Be a leader and competently manage the people working in your business.
  7. Don't waste your time. This is the only capital that is only spent and cannot be accumulated. Make the most of your time.
  8. Prepare two plans. One in case of poverty and lack of money. The second is in case of wealth and a huge amount of money. In both cases, you must be prepared and strictly follow your pre-prepared instructions.
  9. Invest not on your own behalf, but on behalf of your business.
  10. Do charity work.

What Robert Kiyosaki went through

Robert Kiyosaki, after serving in the Army, worked as a copier salesman, where he gained basic marketing experience in sales. After which he started a business sewing wallets for surfers, from which he earned quite a lot of money, but since he did not patent his product, larger competitors “squeezed” him out of business.
After the loss of his business, Robert Kiyosaki for a long time could not decide on the type of activity, living with his wife in a van and somehow earning a living.

Robert Kiyosaki with his wife:

A few years later, Robert Kiyosaki wrote his best-selling books, released the game “Cash Flow”, and began to engage in financial consulting. This gave them the start to conquer new heights, in such areas as making money in real estate and investing on the stock exchange.

What is with Robert Kiyosaki now and what is he doing?

Robert Kiyosaki has become one of the world's best business trainers, who is also a practitioner, businessman and investor.

Robert Kiyosaki's friend is Donald Trump, a billionaire running for US President:

Now Robert Kiyosaki is a multimillionaire and has many different businesses, real estate and investments. Even if the real estate market collapses, his business will keep him afloat; if the stock market collapses, he has real estate and businesses. Therefore, he recommends that everyone have two financial plans - one in case of poverty, the second in case of wealth.

I wish you all success!

1. Experience makes you smarter.

“Every action makes me smarter. I invested my first money in a project that went bankrupt. But I moved on and continued investing. A little later, I bought the building for $7 million. As a result, I began to receive a profit of $30,000 from my purchase every month. If I had not lost at the beginning, I would not have learned to analyze the projects in which I invest.”

2. The more you give, the more you will get back.

“I don’t know how people think, but I realized one important thing a long time ago. If you want to receive a lot, you must give a lot. This is the human attitude towards life and money. People are poor because they do not follow this truth. If a person is poor, it means he does not want or is afraid to give a lot.”

3. First of all, change your thinking.

“First of all, you need to pay yourself. Our main asset is ourselves.
When my friends received their salary, they went to a bar or restaurant. I went to the bank and deposited money. Or bought real estate. Over time, it became a habit for me to pay myself first. I made my choice. And all this came with a new mindset.”

4. Focus.

“In English, “focus” is divided into Follow One Course Untill you are Successful.
You can waste your energy and do everything in a row.
But such a position leads nowhere. In my case, I focused all my energy on investing. At first, I didn't do well. I lost money twice. But I was still focused on one action - investing. And I succeeded.
My advice is not to waste your energy, but to find a niche and develop in it. The new rules of life say: stay focused until you succeed.”

5. Hard times bring new opportunities.

“The fact is that the economy is unstable. It grows up and down. And the crisis can be anywhere. As I know, France has big problems. Everything is fine in Germany. There are problems in England. There are problems in China. And this period will last more than 10 years. But throughout this time, opportunities can be found. For example, I have earned half of my fortune in the last three years.”

6. Think your business through.

“A business is successful when all points are thought through: product quality, protection of rights, organization of control over contractors, communication is established and cash flow is regulated.
My first business was a failure. I came up with the idea of ​​putting photos of rock bands on T-shirts and selling them. But he did not protect his rights to production. The idea was stolen, and I was left without business and money.”

7. Outline the desired end result for yourself.

Robert shares several types of income. One that you can get as an employee, as a business owner and as an investor. From each type of income,
a certain tax is collected. Passive income has no tax, whereas an employee gives away half of his money. Your job is to get ahead of what you're working so hard for. What do you want to get as a result? Good work experience or huge income?

8. Don't be afraid of losses.

“Look at the richest people. Take Henry Ford. He was bankrupt 5 times. Steve Jobs was fired from his own company. Even my friend Donald Trump has lost billions of dollars. I myself was at a loss of a million.
But life is a road of success and failure. And the average person is so afraid of losing that he never starts.”

9. Create a “safety cushion”.

Assets are real estate. You must realize that a business is successful today, but not tomorrow. But you must have a financial “safety cushion” that will save your money and bring you income, regardless of your success in business.

10. Stop saving money!

Saving money and saving money are two different things. If you don’t allow yourself to buy the necessary thing in a store, you save money. Your life is focused on saving money. But you must understand that money has not been a value since 1971. Why? Because they were no longer provided with gold. They have become a means of payment. In 2010, the price of the apartment was $10,000. In 2015, the same apartment costs $20,000. But this is not because the apartment has become better, but because the money has lost its former value.

Take these rules to your wall and aim for success!

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Dear readers, this question worries almost every one of us, it’s just that some people work on themselves and change (gets up early, goes to bed early, reads a lot, keeps their physical condition in shape), while others just think (fly in the clouds), dream and don’t accept no effort.

If you have reached this page, you have already made an effort. Now, dear readers, all that remains is to read (maybe even re-read several times) these 17 the most useful and high-quality advice, more than ever suitable for our time, from a famous Japanese of American origin Roberta Kiyosaki.

1) Learn to manage people. The author himself joined the army precisely for this purpose. For those who want to know how to become a successful person, how to build their own business, leadership skills are simply necessary.

2) Many people, as soon as they have money, start investing it. Of course, this is a great investment, but first you just need to spend some of your money on learning how to invest. There are many pitfalls and unscrupulous companies that it is better to know about in advance.

3) Our age is the age of information technology. This is why it is worth communicating with rich people or, for example, IT specialists. They know what will be popular in the future and where they can make good money.

4) Every person who has reached certain heights in life starts small. Start slowly changing your way of thinking and then you can change your reality.

5) The mind is the most valuable and powerful asset a person has. Even if you lose everything at one point, a trained mind can quickly regain wealth. Therefore, never be lazy to study and improve your financial literacy. It’s not for nothing that Napoleon Hill’s bestseller is called “Think and Grow Rich.”

6) Set aside 10% of your personal income for charity. Robert Kiyosaki's father said that he would give alms only when he had extra money.

Oddly enough, extra money did not appear often. On the contrary, Kiyosaki’s wealthy mentor donated funds even when he himself did not have enough for any project. If you want to know how to become successful in life, and not just get rich, then teach yourself to donate. After all, it is known that by helping others, we ourselves become happy.

7) In the modern world, it is very important to be able to sell and know marketing techniques. People who learn to sell unwittingly master the art of communicating with people. Thus, they can interact effectively not only with bosses, subordinates and clients, but also with wives and children. Communication skill is the main skill for achieving success in society. Learn to speak beautifully, write competently, and negotiate. The author himself is constantly improving in this area, buying books and tapes, attending trainings and seminars.

8) If you have read the book “Cash Flow Quadrant”, then know that among businessmen there are Investors and Specialists. Investors are engaged in creating assets, and Specialists sell their knowledge and experience for money. Whoever you are, create assets, because they are the ones that will provide you with a stable income and a comfortable old age.

9) In order to succeed in life, you first need to turn your income from unnecessary things to assets.

10) The more you earn, the more you will want to spend money on luxury goods. Often, as soon as a person receives a new position or promotion, he purchases a new house, yacht, diamonds and furs. They do all this in order to look no worse than others. Many people succeed only with the help of loans. And a person who has fallen into debt is shackled: he cannot change his job, and in the event of a crisis he can lose everything. Rich people first provide themselves with a constant income from assets and only then spend on luxury.

11) Use all means for your growth, study and advancement. Even if they seem harmful, stupid and boring to you. Even troubles, no matter how humiliating and unfair they may seem, can teach you something important.

12) Your personal savings are not always enough to complete any transaction. In such cases, you can invite other people to participate in your project.

13) If you have found a job that brings you maximum satisfaction, then most likely this is your calling and purpose. This means that this is the most important thing you can do in this life.

14) Write your goal down on paper. The fact is that by clearly formulating your goal and writing it down, you take the first step towards realizing your dream. After all, it is much easier to move forward when you know exactly what you want.

15) Time is, by and large, the only capital we have. But it cannot be accumulated, exchanged or purchased. It can only be spent. Rich people spend it efficiently and wisely.

16) Don't waste your time on empty relationships. Most millionaires preferred to choose one partner for life. If you are concerned about the question: “ how to become the most successful?", then make your husband successful. Together it is easier to move towards common goals.

17) Get better. In all religions, God is a perfect being and you too need to strive for perfection. If your intentions are pure, then he will definitely help you.

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